Monday, December 26, 2005

Who else reads the Concordia? Introducing: The Concordiareaders! Upcoming posts will include the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - people who were transformed by reading the Concordia as well as those who tried to transform (read: disfigure) the Evangelical-Lutheran Confessions. Any guesses or suggestions?


Rosko said...

The Concordia transformed me. After I read the Augustana, I no longer wanted anything to do with things like Contemporary Worship, Open Communion, and even LCMS Lutheran Youth Fellowship. I was 17. In fact, the Concordia is part of the reason I am no longer a member at the parish of my Baptism and First Communion.

reader said...

I was surprised by a family that joined one of the congregations where I serve, when they not only knew what the Book of Concord was (!) but also had their own family copy (!!). They had belonged to a Lutheran mission congregation which got its start by somebody going around and getting people together to study the Book of Concord. The church gave a copy to each family as a gift.