Thursday, December 07, 2006

From Hermann Sasse to AC Piepkorn about Lutherans going elsewhere

Dear Reverend and Doctor:
Some months ago I wrote to you asking whether you could give me any advice as to how to deal with a student of mine who was in danger of going over to Rome. I was hoping that you perhaps could recommend some good literature.
(Lonely Way II, 238)

Replies? Or maybe, in light of recent events, some could offer suggestions, replacing "Rome" with "Constantinople"?

Regarding the latter, I have suggested Avery Dulles's "The Filioque: What Is at Stake?" Perhaps others can suggest something better?


Rev. Paul T. McCain said...

And...that "student" about whom Sasse was writing was none other than his own son, who, sadly, did go to Rome.

reader said...

At college orientation, the president told the parents to look around the room; there was a high probability that they had just looked at their future in-laws.

In one of my seminary classes, the professor told us to look around the room; there was a high probability that several of our fellows would not become pastors; others would be ordained but would not remain in the preaching office; still others would not live out their days in the LCMS, or as Lutherans; and others still would fall altogether away from the Christian Faith.

As a father speaking to his son, what can be said to those who are looking elsewhere? I wonder what Sasse said to Hans?

reader said...

I don't believe that there is a copy of Piepkorn's reply to Sasse, or any indication that he did reply. Does anyone know?